Any stack for online mark-up and/or annotations?

I’m trying to add a section on my website where clients can see a picture of a project and make their comments there for me to see later on, any idea which stack can help me to achieved that?

Hi, it really depends on what structure you want for the comments etc. If it’s a simple case of you putting up an image, then the client posting a comment, or maybe two, then Comments by Will Woodgate might work. It’s pretty good for a one-way flow on comments, like reviews on products etc.

If you want something more akin to a place where you can the client, or maybe the client and other people, can comment and form discussions, a forum is the best option.

I use Vanilla forum a lot. It’s open-source (free), easy to set up and really easy to integrate into any website.

You’ll struggle to hack something useful together in RW/stacks. I’d recommend using a dedicated service for this kind of thing. I use one called Userback but there are numerous alternatives.

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I did exactly what you describe last year on a development site using Easy CMS:

Each section of text had a unique CMS ID and an image link to a simple content admin page.

Client comments would be added here and I could view them on a hidden dedicated Comments post page.

Poster would work just as well.


Well, I don’t want to get another subscription in my list. That’s why I’m here. I know I can have a page with name and password access to the client so he can write down whatever the changes he need. I don’t want a very sophisticated solution, in fact if I can have a picture on top and a form underneath when clients can click on stuff and fill blanks it will make my day! Point me to the right direction and I will be installing those stacks in no time.

UPDATE! I found a free option here! I am sharing it here in case other member have the same need as me. It’s called Punchlist!

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