Blocs: what do people think?

You still don’t appear to get it.

At this point there are no plans for a Stacks version to work in RW9, so there will be NO next version.

In your hypothetical missunderstanding you mention staying away from a re-purchase.

Dan has boasted that Elements will “use the latest web technologies”. So do you honestly think that Adam will rewrite every Foundry stack and all Foundry Addon stacks, and test them for free? Of course that won’t fit Dan’s brief of using the latest web technologies, so instead of basing the current Foundry on the 6 year old pre release Alpha version of the old Bootstrap 4, he will need to rewrite the whole lot. Even then, just to approach the same framework version as used in Blocs today, the cost of RW9 with all the Foundry addons will be about 3 times the cost of Blocs.

Then the elephant in the room will appear when something doesn’t work, because there will be no Isaiah to take the blame or sort the mess out. The blame shifting that has always been the Achilles heel of a RW solution will rear it’s head, except that Dan or Adam, who don’t incidentally, have 17 years of in depth Stacks debugging experience, will need to sort the mess out.


@tav That’s fair, all stacks were made to be used with the Stacks plugin. What I have an issue with is the stack developers preventing use in one new app (RW9) while allowing use in another new app (Stacks 5). Surely that’s not fair?

Again, not advocating anyone’s actions either side. I’m just sitting on the fence, watching from afar.

So by that argument, you would expect stack developers to allow Blocs App, Wordpress Gutenburg or a.n.other app to reverse engineer the stacks and re-compile them for their own use?

What changes are allowable to make them work? What percentage of the original code should remain? Who supports the transpiled product if its code varies significantly from that originally purchased. These are all very real questions that I’m sure will surface.


I just think the stack developers should keep an open mind and not necessarily choose sides, especially this early in the game. There’s plenty of plugins out there that work in multiple competing products just fine. Take Affinity Photo for example, it’s able to use Photoshop plugins without issue.

If we don’t choose sides then Isaiah / Stacks / Yourhead are rendered completely redundant. Not sure how anyone could opt to be an advocate for that (especially developers AND users that have built businesses upon what Stacks has afforded us).


I don’t think you can say a company will become redundant and cease to exist if a competing product comes out. This happens every day, competing products are a constant threat and always have been. If a company/product ceases to exist, they did something wrong.

Would you pay for the Stacks plugin if the core RW product could load stacks natively?

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I have said on numerous occasions that if Elements were a competing product then no developer would have a problem.

The problem comes because Elements will read and transpile existing stacks thus rendering the Stacks plugin and Yourhead utterly impotent. Anyone who thinks that this is anything other than a deliberate Sherlocking of Stacks is deluded.


So you’re saying that Elements is not a competing product?

I thought stack developers had to allow their stacks to run in Elements. I don’t understand how the mechanism that facilitates it is an important factor.

If there’s only things that work in Stacks, it has a reason to be and will survive. Same with RW. Every product needs a unique selling point and us users should have the freedom of choice.

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Exactly. And those things should be stacks.


@SteveJenkins – Someone who would genuinely want to understand the situation would already be more than well-informed, after all that exchange. A person who maniacally goes back and back and back to their own interpretation—without ever giving any thought to explanations—simply does not want to understand and just tries desperately to push his own agenda under a pretext of striving for truth.


Isn’t that Einstein’s definition of Insanity? “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

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This is exhausting. Malicious boneheadedness should be punishable…🎃

This thread has ran its course long time ago.

May I make a suggestion.? Drop it.

All this bickering is doing nothing but pushing people away from RW and Stacks. Very childish.

Explain the facts about the roadmap of Stacks. Let Dan explain the roadmap of Rapidweaver. Then let your actions speak for you all.

I know emotions are raw and high. However if this community is to survive, then you all need to act professional. Stop trying to prove the unprovable goal. Actions speak louder than words.

Invest this time to build your own roadmaps. Think about what API hooks you need to make all your dreams come true. Then AFTER version 1 of Stacks comes out, work WITH Isaiah to make it happen.


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