BWD Limelight and external websites

Hello Andrew !

I’m playing around with limelight, very powerful and creative.

When I « limelight » a live website, I have issue with displaying photos.

For example here.

When you click on the first website : the big warehouse picture doesn’t show up (you can compare with the thumbnails of the first page), unless you click on another link and come back to the home page.

On the second website : when you first open the website in a limelight section : the left map doesn’t show up until you click on the home button.

On the third one ; same thing with the pictures next to « Bonjour ! »

And in the fifth : an JW impact home page with a « full heroe setting » picture does not appear, the page is white.

I guess it is quite complicated, because a lot of stuff and stacks involved, but do you have an idea of what I could change in the hosting website, or in the « limelighted » websites to change that ?


Hi @luzule All those pictures are working fine for me (I’ve checked in Safari, Chrome and Firefox

It would seem like this may be a cache issue with your browser or something to do with your machine/internet connection. (see screenshots below)

The map issue may be different. You may need to turn of pre-loading to make that work when it is a limelight within a limelight.



I’ve looked at the map page again and it seems there are permissions issues.


You need to make sure that both the source and and frame content are using SSL - i.e. with https urls

OK thanks Tav ; I’ll try to search this way…

Seems to be the time when things don’t work at my place but work fine everywhere else !!!

Thank you ;-)

Edit ; I have just posted my answer before I saw your second response : got that !