Ecwid - awesome! But sitemap?

I’ve nearly done implementing ecwid across my teacher resources website and I’m delighted with it. Customer support has been phenominal.

I’ve uploaded almost all my content
Embeded the ecwid store into a stacks page
Created a submenu with links to Categories
(The main menu links to pages that will soon be gone, so click the store submenu).
I don’t use Sidebar, its a stack column
Within ecwid I’ve filled in all the SEO content.

So far , so awesome.
Making the sitemap has thrown me.
ecwids App for sitemap allows me to generate a sitemap with clean URLs, which I’d to have on my site.
How do I create these clean URLs for the content I have?
I’ve just realised there is a RW plug in. Should I have used that?

Any thoughts or links most appreciated.

Thank you

(Blog, crafts, merch, and books pages all made with the also awesome Poster)

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