Embed google docs

I’m using Source to update my Community Centre website and was wondering if there’s a way to embed google docs or a word document.

We have five different rooms available and would like to create a timetable for each one that could be updated on a weekly basis by the Somewhat techno-apprehensive staff.

They don’t like calendars but they’re comfortable with Word.

Have a look at Weavium’s G-Sheet stack.

Although be aware that a huge amount of script and CSS appears to be loaded on the Weavium g-Sheet demo page at https://d.pr/i/wo7BWT, according to Pingdom Tools.

Screen Shot 15

You can embed a Google Doc (or Sheet) by selecting the ‘publish to the web’ option. This will generate some iframe code that you can then add in to an HTML (or Coder) stack.

I don’t think the embed code has any size attributes so you’ll probably want to add them to the code too. e.g. width='100%' height='1000'

Crikey! G sheets by Weavium looks amazing!

Thanks for the help guys.

An update on this - Will Woodgate’s free Embed stack will do this.