FAQ Toggle

Can I create a link from one page (example page01) that opens a FAQ item on another page (example page02)?

In practice, on page01 there are buttons that must (should) open individual FAQ items on page02.

Is it possible to do this?

You could do this with Poster Stack.

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I own Poster2 (it’s excellent and I look forward to buying Volt CMS per stack).

But I have to do it with FAQ Toggle because the site doesn’t have PHP.

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Hi - no that is not a built-in feature currently i’m afraid. i do have it as something on my list to add in an update. I’ll take a look at it as soon as i get a chance.

In the meantime…if you have my Splider stack then you can trigger a particular slide to be shown in it based on the url. You can even have multiple Splider stacks on the page and if they all have a slide with the same value passed in the url then they will all move to that slide. That can be useful if there are various bits of related info across different sliders that you want to show simultaneously based on a button click (on the same or a different page).


Page 02 is a list of frequently asked questions, I own Splider 1 and 2, but I prefer FAQ Toggle it’s perfect for that.

I’ll wait for the update, it’s worth it, I really like FAQ Toggle.

Thank you.

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Fixed (I got an update from Stuart)
The update will be available soon.
Thank you Superb support.

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