Gallery 3 InStacks - strange icons instead of < > chevrons

Hi all,

I am having a slight issue with InStacks Gallery 3 @Jannis

Instead of having the forward or back chevrons < > for the image navigation I am getting a couple of strange looking icons. Please see screenshots attached.

The site page link is;
The RW site is built with Foundry and I am on RW 8.3 Stacks 4.0.4 on OSX 10.14.6

Any thoughts please where the conflict is??

Many thanks

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Does the theme your using load font awesome?

Edit. Sorry, just spotted Foundry. Does Fo7ndry load FA by default or do you need to tell it to do so?

Yes, that’s an incompatibility with Foundry and the Flex Slider.

I can only recommend to add this CSS to get it working with a simple < > chevron.

.flex-direction-nav a.flex-next:before {
    content: '>' !important;

.flex-direction-nav a:before {
    content: '<' !important;



Good to know. Jannis, Ok if I add that to the Template Repo Knowledge base?

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Hi Jannis and Steve…you guys are on the ball…only put that question up 20 minutes ago.

Now that is what I call service!!

I’ve used that css and it does the job but doesn’t look as good as the FA icon but will do in the short term.

Is Adam aware of the Foundry incompatibility or is a fix more on your side Jannis?

Thanks guys…have a good day.
Cheers Scott

Neither he is aware, no am I able to fix.

I just did a test in a new project. Added just the main Foundry stack, a Foundry Column stack with a Gallery 3 - Flex Slider in the left column and headers and text in the right. The slide navigation chevrons looked fine.

I went back to your link and pasted in the original next slider nav content \f002 (since you added the custom CSS) and saw the fl figure you did. I then checked your page and the font for the chevrons (flexslider-icon.woff) is not loading. Your server is returning a 404 error for that file. Without that font file, you’ll see the figure you did instead of the chevron.

@Jannis, are you sure there is a compatibility issue and not just the missing font file?

@scottf, I’d try removing the CSS and republish all files. I think once you have the font file loading from the server, I think things will be fine.


Hmm… good catch. Might be possible.