Getting One’s Kit Off For The Weavers

Hello, Steve B here, in my alter-ego superhero persona, UiKitter.

My first project is “soft launched”, by that, I mean it’s out there, but I’m not shouting about it too much, as this is the first time I’ve made a project available for sale, so I want to keep things slow and quiet until I’ve ironed out any creases in how I’m distributing it.

It’s available to buy though, so feel free :-) Although, as Marten says, I will be making a discount voucher available to those at the Wednesday session, so best to get along to that and save some squid.

Skyline started as an exercise for me to learn UIkit3, which then morphed into Skyline. It’s not so much a ready-made website project, to which you can throw your content and publish, it’s more a collection of pages and ideas to explore the things you can do with UIkit3. You can, of course, pull out individual pages from the project to duplicate into a full website, but I’ve mostly focussed on “content sections”, which cover standard requirements. The idea being you can lift these sections and use on your sites.

On Wed I’ll go over the ideas behind these sections, how I’ve used custom classes to customise UIkit3 and as someone who uses RW to make commercial websites for clients, why I now won’t use anything other than UIkit3 (Spoiler: It’s fast, really fast!).

I will also give a sneak peek at my next UIkit3 project: OnePage, which will be a complete “website-in-a-project” solution, which you can use in its entirety to quickly deploy a stylish scrolling one-page UIkit powered website.

So, see you all on Wednesday, and in the meantime…