Introducing Custom & Pre-built Projects For UIkit3

Do you accept payment in Prozac tablets as this week I will be mostly eating Temazepam.

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God yes. Any pharma that numbs reality is gratefully received.

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No problem, Steve. Got the correct file now. :-) Glad I got that project for 50% off. So everything’s fine with poor old @FichtMedia guinea pig… LOL! :-)

Best wishes from Germany,


Thanks for putting up with my ineptitude in good spirit ;-)

I’ve changed things around a bit now, so there are systems in place to ensure I send out the correct version now!

Regards the email about the gallery, hope you don’t mind me addressing it here, as it might be useful for others.

I’ve just checked the master project and unzipped the zipped v1.6.2 and for me, the images are there and working. This is deffo the version you were sent.

Have a look at this screenshot, showing the location of the gallery images in resources, and the links used to add them to the image stacks. Can you check your copy to see if it’s the same?

If your copy differs, then something weird is happening during delivery, which I’ll need to look into.


Hmm…, for me no images are appearing. Neither in RW preview nor in browser preview:


Are they resources?

If so, then somehow the links have become broken. Not sure if that would be a zipping issue or a bug in RW.

Let me know if they are actually in the gallery folder in resources first, that will help to narrow things down a bit.

This is the content of my Resources. You see that there’s a folder with no name containing the images…

OK, then that’s the problem! As per my screenshot above, that folder should be called Gallery, and should contain the images.

Now to work out why it’s not there!

I’ll get back to you soon.

@rojharris Does the gallery page work for you?

@wolf Have you tried naming the folder “gallery” and seeing if that re-connects the images?

@TemplateRepo Yep Steve, gallery working fine for me :-)

Most odd.

@wolf try renaming the folder. If that doesn’t work, I’ll think of something.

Thank @rojharris

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Renamed the folder to “Gallery” and now the images are all there. :-)

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Awesome! *

Glad we got that sorted.

*As someone who sells things to Weavers now, I feel it’s compulsory to over use that word. ;-)


Are you running the RW Beta v8.3?

If so, the resource folder issue seems to be a known issue.

Yes, I’m running v8.3. Sorry, forgot to tell you about that.

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It’s a good learning curve for me… ALWAYS ask for RW & Stacks versions before scratching head ;-)

But ya, it seems this is a RW issue.

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Wouldn’t it be cool to have an example page with Poster Stack inside? 😉

I have two Uikit3/poster projects in the works ;-)