Massive Bloat

Where exactly?

@jamessouttar I don’t think we will establish much by trying to work out who owns various image.

The main issue is see is that for anyone who opens more that 1 project file, and if 1 of those project files has come from some other source or user, then this project file cross contamination can occur. The fact that you and others have images that are not your own proves this is happening.

Users on this site who regularly help others out by opening files belonging to other users with Stacks problems, are at high risk unfortunately.

I hope this frustrating issue can be cured and hopefully @isaiah may be able to do something about this.


“spore proliferating mushroom” 😂

Has anyone worked out what might be hte trigger for this?

I’ve just opened a well used project that contains the random images. While it was open I created a new project. Add some text stacks and an image. Saved it. The images didn’t jump across to it.

I tried this in RW8 and RWC. I can’t get the images to jimp into the new project. So I’m wondering what might be the trigger.

EDIT: Found it…

If I create the new project THEN open a project that contains the random images, they immediately jump into the newly created project.

It seems, for me here today at least, that if the “donor” project is already before the new project is created, then the jump doesn’t happen. Thw jump appears to only happen when the new project is already created/opened.

So, I’d suggest the issue is something to do with how files are handled when opened, not created.

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Good work. This should help to avoid the issue.

One final bit of testing… Bear with me here, this might get confusing!

I created two projects… donor.rw8 and recipient.rw8.

Opened recipient then opened donor. No random images. But that was expected as there were no random images in the donor.

So next I physically copied the random images and the plist file from another project that contained them into the donor project.

Opened recipient, opened donor. Images and plist jumped across.

Next I deleted the plist file from the donor project and replaced it with a plist from a YHStacksPlugin folder in another project that didn’t contain the random images.

So to recap… The donor project now contains the random images but a “good” plist file.

Opened recipient, opened donor. No images jumped.

I suspect this was obvious to people smarter than me, but the issue is “seems” to be the plist file. As that seems to be the instigator of the jump. With a “bad” one, the images jump, with a “good” one, the images don’t.

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I expect the plist is created when the file is saved and it reflects what’s in the YHStacksPlugin folder.

Anything particular that jumps out when you do a compare both plists?

Nope. Cus when the folder contained the images and a good plist file, as in, a plist file from a folder that didn’t contain all the random images, after the project was saved the plist folder wasn’t changed. It was still “good”.

One was 20mb the other (the good one) was 1kb. So plenty different.

Good contents…

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

Bad one…

Ok, so the contents of the data and files plists keys are totally different. But to me that wouldn’t explain the ‘viral’ behavior, unless there’s data hidden in the data key that gets misinterpreted?

I’ve no clue why it’s happening, only trying to work out when it’s happening.

The why I suspect will be down to RW and YH.

I was alerted to this a while back. This is what I did, I deleted the whole SharedPluginData folder and all it’s contents (including the associated plist files) - via Show Package Contents - and the project file is reduced in size, it this test from 44 mb to 6 mb and the project file loads without any problems.

Do try this with a copy of the project file just in case!

I’m running RW8 8.9.3 and the latest version of Stacks 4. I did this with all my project files months ago and I haven’t had any problems.

Nice wooden arch, I wonder who’s photo that is :)


If you delete the entire folder, the project (for me) didn’t open. That folder has to be there with a plist file. At least for me, it did.

Opens fine for me. If I delte the plist in SharedPluginData the file will not open, with a missing plist error. However, delete the SharedPlugingData folder and the file opens.

Although looking at my older projects, I only deleted the ‘extra’ files and left both the folder structure and the plist files in place.

Here is a test project deleting the SharedPluginData folder and contents. It opens but I haven’t checked everything is present.

Project file with the SharedPluginData and one with that directory delted. Note the difference in project file size.

I’m sure the clue here is ‘shared’ with all those files being shared from another open project. The plist file alone in YHStacksPlugin is 20.5 mb.

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Apologies. You’re right. I deleted the YHStacks folder and got an error, but deleting the whole shared folder is fine.

So I’m guessing the solution is to go through all projects and delete the shared folder if it’s got random content.

I think I touched on this briefly in the past when creating a simple demo file. I would have a project file open and then create a new project file, add a stack and immediately the file was many mb is size. That was before I was aware of the SharedPluginData issue.

I tagged Isaiah above, but really, I think we’re best leaving him in peace to work on Stacks. I don’t think this issue is overly important, rigght now, given it’s existed for years.


@Ruyton Thanks for your diligence about this matter. I’ve tried a few things that helped, but your finding is much simpler and easier: just delete the complete SharedPluginData folder.

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I do suggest you make a backup, just in case …