Menu Stacks with Site Width?

Hi Stuart,

I have tried adding a limelight menu stack to use like the Vista tutorial but unfortunately no obvious way to keep the stack both sticky or fixed and keep it within the max site width. I’ve tried LL’s setting to move to body and placing LL Menu within a Source container stack restricted to site max-width. Any suggestions?

Alternatively, aside from Source’s own menu stack do you know of any others that do keep within the max-width (not expecting native support just to observe the parent container stacks width setting) set by Source and also be fixed and/or sticky? I find Source’s menu can be a little bit, well jerky is the best way I can put it, on mobile.


PS, is a background option coming along for Source too?

Limelight menu Set to static position inside a Chroma?

Chroma can adopt a max width for its content and is very smooth on stick.

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You can also add these class names into the LL Stacks CSS box stripped-base-width s-container-lite this will pick up the Source Base width value and centre it. I’ll have a look at how this works in a Source Container too as I would think that could be made to work.

The Menu stack I see most used (if not using the Source menu) is Clean Menu from 1LD. I think it can accept a max-width value in the settings.

And still looking into the background option…

And yes - making the dropdowns on mobile smoother is something that i have been meaning to do since day 1. Will get on it…

Thank you both, will try your suggestions once I’m home 😊