New Project 29 - Our most popular Project13 rebuilt with SOURCE for speed - Splider, webP images

New Project 29 for SOURCE now available at PROJECT29

Demo here.

This is our most popular project - Project13, rebuilt for 2022 using SOURCE to load as fast as possible to acheive a 100% PageSpeed result.

It uses far less stacks than the original Foundry and Foundation versions, has layouts that are simpler and the only non SOURCE stack used is Splider - simpler, faster, better.

It has also been enhanced with addional grid hover effects that display click or hover on me indicators and maximise the grid space available.


Just updated this by punching a few holes in the grid which adds a new dynamic to a grid.


New version 3 of this now updated with:

  1. Main slider with new Header and Paragraph text that selects next slide.
  2. New flexible slider for displaying quotes, testimonials or other varying amounts of text.

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