No Stacks in RW9! Stacks5.App is coming!

Again, my comments are not meant to be a back and forth debate, I’m sorry if that’s the way it has been interpreted. I can only speak about my experiences, and in the past I used to have problems when upgrading an OS or a machine like one time that I bought Rapid weaver through the App Store, and I wasn’t having the same experience then I was told I needed to download the app from the Website and the explanation was the App Store version was under the sandbox regulations etc.

Other apps (not Realmac ones) no longer are available because they were banned for reasons of code not implemented as Apple wanted, and so I needed to find other ways to install them. I can’t tell if Stacks 5 will be banned or not, I was portraying possible case scenarios based on my experience.

Hope this clarifies the fact I’m not attacking, panicking or misinforming no one. I’m here to learn, help and understand what is going on.


Thank you, excellent reply.

Some answers and some details:

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Ding Ding, round 2…


I’ve deleted my RM account to save myself from having to wade through all the counter arguments.

I will wait patently for the Stacks App :)


Ha. It’s been over 3 weeks since since the first round bell. Everyone has gone home with more important things to do.


There is a reason why this thread is read only 😂



I started reading it but it rapidly came down to “Honest Guv, it’s not our fault” or “Yourhead did it and ran away”.

I’m not a proper developer as such, so some of the technical aspects are outwith my experience, but quite a few things don’t sound/feel right. Also, I’ve always found Isaiah to be quite open and straight-forward, Dan more of a salesman full of great promises but little delivery.


And as far as I can see no commenting on his post is allowed. That’s fair isn’t it - NOT.

Far from taking a step back as he suggested he doing he is just reiterating all the mis-directions, might I even say lies, and blame stuff that he has put out before

It does seem somewhat anti-Yourhead.

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I just hope that @isaiah ignores all this rubbish. We’re with you all the way Isiah.


I dont doubt that Dan/RM have had their own struggles (and their version of the story) but his tone the last couple of months where he comes off as completely innocent and victimized rings a little hollow. I think he wants these roadmaps to provide transparency but it almost does the opposite if it doesn’t sound genuine.


As far as I understand, Apple is deprecating WebKit at some stage soon, which will break RapidWeaver older versions. So to keep using RW8 or older for as long as possible, you’d need to keep a computer in a working state and never apply any future Apple or RW updates. Of course, any referenced external libraries inside a stack or plugin may also stop working anytime, breaking a current stack. If a developer does not update an old existing RW stack, it will cease to work.

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LOL you’re agreeing with a falsehood. Perhaps the creators/admins of this forum would like to introduce themselves and the products the develop or have in the past.

Just to keep everyone who thinks they’re ITK to actually be ITK on something.

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Your posts would have been deleted on the community forum already.

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That’s hilarious. I do notice that the post I was replying to head mysteriously disappeared so I can kinda see what you’re crying about Michael. Re conspiracies, there are some (not everybody lol) who have spun some tales/accusations without attribution or proof.

I’m 💯 here for facts. From those who know them. The comment I responded to a post (summarizing here) that said there were no developers posting here in this forum. Still waiting for maybe a pinned list of admins so everyone can be clear. Are you against that Mark? It’d be nice if all developers would identify themselves so everyone understands their knowledge.

IMO, most of this whole RM v Stacks convo has gotten too emotional, mainly by everyone but Dan & Isaiah. Personally, I’m cheering on everyone’s success. I hope Isaiah delivers a kickass app and RW9 does the same.

Edit: sorry. Not removed. Just doesn’t show in reply on mobile. Maybe some do see my original post in reply. All Forum software are weirdly different.

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I’m a developer.
Perhaps you’ve heard of Stacks?

If you have any questions about anything I posted an AMA here this evening.


Hmmmm… sounds familiar 😉

btw, it was suggested I put my original idea in a more succinct way:

Users think that RW4ALL is ran by independent users. However, it was started by a developer and still ran by developers. I just wanted to set that record straight.

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Users think that RW4ALL is ran by independent users

No one has said that except for you in this comment. You have not put your previous point in a more succinct way, you have changed the thrust of the point completely. It was about being independent of any one developer, i.e. not a covert sales pitch.

RW4ALL has two Admins, @Marten and myself. Neither of us have ever used the forum to sell anything nor have we promoted any of our own products via the forum (check back as many posts as you like)

Developers on here are moderators (that includes Stacks & Project vendors), it is made clear to all developers that the purpose of this forum is to support users. The main rule is that suggesting or pushing their products on a thread that is asking a question about another developers product is not allowed (which was the main reason for its existence in the first place).


I’ve not found any proof to RM’s claim that WebKit will be deprecated. UIWebView and WebView have been deprecated for some time, and you can’t even issue any new apps to the App Stores that use them, but I’ve not heard of any announcements that WKWebView will be deprecated.

In fact, Apple urges devs to replace UIWebView and WebView with WKWebView in projects. They wouldn’t do that if they’d already have a replacement handy.

WKWebView also got a pretty nice update last year at WWDC.