Platform: release 1.1.3 has been published today

Ok, you’ll have your first customer for that 🤩.

Probably a good idea

If/when it happens I’ll broadcast it here.

Got Platform and going to give it a whirl, as soon as time permits!

I get the discussion about UIkit and appreciate that it would repay time and effort learning it. Platform though is absolutely perfect for me. I want a bit of freeform, but without the high learning curve. I purchased Foundation and the various packs when they first came out, but in spite of three sustained attempts, I have never felt really comfortable with it. My over-riding feeling was that life is just too short. On the other hand, I felt comfortable with Platform right from the first time I tried it. Sometimes in life you make decisions on feelings, rather than logic. Platform just seems to suit me, plus I can use some of my favourite stacks with it.