Poster: Small border bottom of Items... remove?

I’ve got a really annoying border at the bottom of the Header content in Poster.

See here:

Scroll down, the green bottom border on the images.

This green bit isn’t coming from the content, it’s something in Poster doing it, but I can’t work out what ans so can’t get rid of it.

Anyone any ideas?


You have set the back ground color to green like this.

CleanShot 2020-01-17 at 15.27.38

I’ve only done that so it’s easy to see. With or without a colour the "space is there.

Refresh that page now and you’ll see I’ve removed the background colour, the space is still there and now making the drop shadow look odd.

That’s the Poster Body Margin of 12px… I see the point.

I thought, that with it set to 0px, as in now (refresh) it’s still there.

EDIT: Weird… If I turn off the body margin over-ride it disappears, but if I set bottom to 0px, it’s still there. So possibly something not working with the over-ride?

Anyway, fixed for me now, thanks Jannis.


.poster-list-item .poster-body {
display: none;

Or the new version you already have in beta test 😝

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Incase you missed my edit…

EDIT: Weird… If I turn off the body margin over-ride it disappears, but if I set bottom to 0px, it’s still there. So possibly something not working with the over-ride?

Anyway, fixed for me now, thanks Jannis.

I would use the beta on this, but it’s another last minute job that needs done next week, so I need to stick to tried and tested on it, for speed.

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The body is below the header, so also the top 12px margin will be included in that, I suppose.

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