Poster1 to Poster2

Best the published page. You might have stacks on that page I am not owning.

Horizontal or vertical spacing?

Horizontal. It stayed very similar to your first example. I’ll recreate the page and upload here tomorrow with my settings. thanks for your help.

What’s horizontal and what’s vertical 😅

The gutter left - right should be there.

The gutter top - bottom is missing. I will check that.

Now I’m confused! Let me send you the link and you’ll see. The left right gutter is there, just not working for me.

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Hello Jannis,

I experience the same issue as @Nigell … and the stack settings of ‘my’ Poster 2 stack look slightly different than what you have posted. There are settings for both horizontal and vertical gutter. The vertical gutter acts as expected, but the horizontal gutter does not increase the gap, but rather seems to add the spacing on the right side (like a padding or margin).

Hope this helps to track down the issue ;)

Please send me the project as zipped archive, I might have an idea. Thanks!

Sent to InStacks Software email …

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Just a tidbit more info: the gutter definition works fine in the ‘Masonry’ layout, just the ‘Flexbox’ layout (allowing a featured item) shows all columns being ‘left aligned’. If the columns would be ‘spread’ or ‘edge to edge’, then the gutter setting might be working.

It’s most probably a justify-content thing on the Flexbox, which works in the themes I tested, not in other ones. That should be easy to fix. I will check your demo file. Thanks.

Finding time to explore the template function in Poster 2, even with the help of your demo page, it needs a little practice, but seems to be extremely powerful ;)

I noticed one more difference between Poster 1 and Poster 2:
Poster 1 had two setting to control the ‘featured item’, thus allowing to have it only on the first page. Poster 2 seems to only have an on/off setting, hence ‘featured items’ appear on every list page.

That was a requirement in Poster 1 already to get the same look and feel on all pages, not only the first.

Do you need that setting to have it on the first only?

The templating is advanced, correct. I am in talks with other devs to create template projects for that, making it easier for the non tech savvy. Also the demo file will get new content over the time.

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I always felt that the ‘latest post’ (if rev. chronologically sorted) deserves the additional attention being ‘featured’ - whereas the posts on the following pages are on the same footing with posts #2 … on the first page.

So, yes, I like it if, I can limit the featured item to be only on the first page ;

I think it is worthwhile to open a new thread for ‘templating’ (questions & experiences) - will do as soon as I have something to post

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Sure. Also if you have recommendations what to document in a better, let me know. Planing a Zoom Meeting for Q&A also…