Pounds & Euros, .coms & co.uk's, and so on

In preparation for the demise of the UK and the pound I’m starting to push out beyond the UK for clients to Euroland. I’ve got a euro card processing account sorted and now a euro bank account, and I’ve adapted a few sites to list prices in euros and pounds, but now it comes to marketing.

Typically I have both the .com and .co.uk for my business sites. For those that were solely UK focused I used .co.uk and for the others .com.

If we take my email campaign business as an example, until recently I’ve marketed it solely at UK customers, so have used the .co.uk. I’ve simply pointed the .com to it. The url is https://www.mailshotmonkey.co.uk/

The .co.uk gets first-page search results for my key words.

I spent some time recently working out how to accept orders in both currencies recently on the one site, but now I’m thinking I might be better off duplicating it and having the euro site on the .com and the UK one on the .co.uk.

I’m thinking I just need to a little box at the top for people to select their desired location and so currency.

This means I need to bring the .com into play with its own site. Not a big deal, but I’m nervous what effect this might have on the .co.uk. The sites will be the same except for the currency.

Anyone got a view on this? Am I better sticking with the one site using both currencies or is splitting it the best way forward?


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Not sure I have advice on your question, but smart move nonetheless 👍

I don’t know if it is helpful: As you know I am using Paddle. And they have a let’s say intelligent pricing.

So if a user from the U.S. will reach my site, the US Dollar will be automatically displayed. Same for UK Pound or Euro.

Of course this can be tweaked via VPNs or faking your IP, but hey… In addition a Country selector will be provided for the buyer to choose his origin for calculating the VAT correctly. The end user always sees the final price, VAT is for internal calculations.
