Quizzer stack - Quiz Code Generator now available!

I launched Quizzer stack back in May and it has been a great way for people to add interactive quizzes and knowledge checks into their RW projects. Quizzer stack is very flexible and has countless options relating to how the quiz operates and is styled. The stack though needs to be linked to a JSON quiz file (which contains the actual quiz content). This JSON file bit has always been a bit tricky and is prone to errors (especially if you are new to JSON) and I have always planned on creating some kind of quiz builder that would make this all much easier.

Well, 6 months later i’ve finally got around to it and a new ‘Quiz JSON code generator’ is now available for use (well, for testing at least!). There are improvements that I plan to make to this over time but I think it is a good start. You can even upload your existing quiz code to make edits to it or load up some of the example quizzes (more will be added soon) to see how they have been created.

If you are a Quizzer user, or even if you are not, then head over to the new Quiz Generator and let me know how it works for you.


OMG! This is amazing. Really nicely done. I’ve just taken a look by adding some of your example quizzes. This makes things a ton easier. Beautiful interfaced.

I’m madly grading and providing feedback to students right now, but hope to try to build a couple of interactive quizzes just before Christmas. Thanks for this wonderful gift!

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