Repository's "Download Stack" Settings Make No Difference

Jannis: Can you point me to the documentation for the Downloads stack (part of Repository)? I cannot locate it.

I use Repository in warehousing my files. Works great. I also have one directory with 12 pdf files that I want my users to access, without needing a password, to simply download one or more of the files. It took me HOURS to figure out that the files need to be in the directory for the page and not in my directory of warehoused images. If it is possible to place inside of my warehouse directory the files that I wish to be downloadable, please tell me how. I do not use Resources in Rapid Weaver, in favor of warehousing my files.

Anyhow, I have got this far:

It seems, however, that, in the Download stack, under the “Download” section for changing settings, the only thing that seems to work is the Folder Name section. Changing Style to List or Table makes no difference, nor does the text color wells make any difference.

On my Rapid Weaver page, I only have the Repository Stack and the Download Stack.

Sorry there is no.

As documented, the repository stack must be the only stack on the page.

The download stack must be on a separate page.