RW Classic site recreation

@habitualshaker I noticed your “To celebrate the launch of RW Classic I put together a recreation of Realmac’s new RapidWeaver Classic web page” over on the RM site.

Great job on the Source recreation demo.

This will be a welcome surprise to many users. Runing the Source version and the original through PageInsights illustrates how much faster the Source version.




Thanks! Is a pretty faithful replica i think. Is quite similar actually to the Monteray replica site I did too.

To be fair the original images were pretty sizable so I did optimise them a bit before using. But would think the Source version would score a bit better regardless. Looks like it scores in the 90s for speed which is pretty decent for an image heavy page like that.

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All the oversized poorly optimised and non webP images in the original site, do clobber the mobile result.

I had forgotton about that one.

Perhaps one day, someone will create a web site with a page builder that Source can’t build.


I do like the Monteray one. It uses some Limelights to open up in some of the different grid items which works really well.