Scrap scrap scrap

I’m not getting drawn further into this, it’s quite ridiculous.

I’ve moved this to a separate thread so it doesn’t detract from the original sales pitch post.

There are no “sides” it is just was technical and user demographic discussion / debate.


I’ve really enjoyed reading this discussion and it’s been great to hear from two very knowledgeable people coming from different perspectives and experience.

A shame that a misunderstanding seems to have occurred.


Like others I have enjoyed reading this debate between James and Andrew, each arguing the topic from their perspective, which made a great learning - at least for me.

Unfortunately the exchange started to include wording which could be felt as a personal attack or defense, eventually derailing the discussion. I feel there is no win debating on this end, but rather focusing on the arguments beforehand.

As for our discussion culture, we can remember, that a debate is not a fight, there doesn’t need to be a ‘winner,’ instead unearthing a variety of different points of view is the actual treasure of the exchange.


I truly appreciate and agree with your statement, Gerd. Unfortunately, the whole world with the exception of certain groups of people in certain Scandinavian countries do not think like that.

Look at any political debate outside of that Scandinavian enclave, look at all the anti-social media. This is a global problem for us and for generations to come…

Normally, I would put an emoji at the end of a post like this one, to ease up the mood a bit, but that would suggest that I am not serious about the issue.