"source" mobile hamburger repositioning

Hello everyone.
How are you doing?

As the title says, I’m using “source”.
I want to change the position of the hamburger.

I want to position the hamburger to the right when mobile.
How do I do that?

And also…

I want to change the size of the burgers.
Where do I make the adjustments?

I’m sorry for always asking all the time.
Thank you for your support.

Use the Nav - Mobile Options - Align Right.

Why do you want to change the burger size out of interest?

It is a perfect size IMHO and easy for users to identify as a Menu button.

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Thank you for your guidance.

I didn’t explain it well enough. And it was the left, not the right.

As you taught me, when I set it to “left” in the mobile settings, it goes to the left, but the title It will be set up on the far left and the burgers will be set up next to the right. Here’s a picture…


I want it to look like the picture below. I created this in Foundation1.
I want it to be in the same position as this one.


The only reason I want to resize the hamburger is that I don’t want it to be too big. It’s subtle, but I want it to be the same height as foundation1. I want it to be just a little bit slimmer.

Thank you very much for your help.

The option to reverse the order of items is available for the desktop view but not mobile. I’ll add that in in the next release. In the meantime you can use this css:

@media only screen and (max-width: 600px){
.nav-content .branding{
    flex-direction: row-reverse;

Change the 600px value to match whatever your breakpoint in the Nav stack is. You should keep the mobile alignment option as ‘spread’ and uncheck the option for the logo if you are not using one.

Slimmer as in the width of them? Or the height of the lines? I could give you some css for this too.

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Thank you for your quick response.

I would like to lower the topbar height.
I can’t make it any lower with the 0 setting.
The current height setting is set to 0.

I did the css settings as soon as I could!
It worked so well!
The professionals are amazing!
You are indeed a professional.

The people on this forum are very kind.
I wish you all good health.

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