Support re. Bellboy

@doobox are you still active here? I had posted a question in the Doobox Slack area a few weeks ago and sent an email via your support email system. Quick question: can Bellboy be set up to reside in the absolute bottom corner of the page, i.e. no margin? I’m trying to line it up/mirror the menu hash on a theme.

Doobox hasn’t responded to my follow email months ago. I purchased a Doobox bundle a few months back and I noticed they missed out including a stack in the bundle they advertised. Not a good experience and I will never buy from them again!

@doobox has been a sold member of the RW community for years, delivering some of my favourite and most-used stacks. It’s probably just a temporary glitch in the matrix.

Perhaps someone who has Bellboy can chime in in the meantime?


@doobox is still active - he just replied to post on a different forum, mentioning that the ‘slack’ channel was just an attempt to allow other users to chime in with help until he finds time. Since it is apparently not working, he likely will reduce the support back to form/email requests again.

@Tom There are many CSS wizards out there, but I gave it a try and please find my suggestion below:

.bellboybutton {
bottom: 0px !important;
right: 0px !important;
width: 70px !important;
height: 70px !important;

The ‘bottom’ and ‘right’ commands will place the button into the bottom-right corner, if you manually adjust the ‘width’ and ‘height’ to match the size of your button in the stack settings. E.g. I used a 60px button, then the 70px setting in the css will produce an offset. If I reduce the number to also 60px, the bellboy-button is exactly in the corner. My suggestion is to exactly match the width/height of the button, then use the bottom/right property to position the button as desired.

There might be more elegant solutions, but I hope this will get you closer to what you are looking for. Copy the css code into the css section of the stacks page with the bellboy stack.


Thanks for your replies, guys. I’m away from my RW work now (too many online classes and Zoom sessions), but will try this early next week. I very much appreciate your help.