Transparent text in PS or Affinity


  1. Draw rectangle
  2. Type text on top of rectangle
  3. Select both items
  4. Subtract
  5. Coffee

Doesnt work. I need the text to be transparent so i can save it as png

Did I miss something here: this method makes the rectangle opaque and the text transparent.

You must be doing something different to me then. I’ve chronicled every move above.

Looks like you are subtracting the red square from the R in the text, and leaving the R.

Select the square first and then the text and subtract.

if this doesn’t work, select the text and then the red square, and then subtract.

Same result both ways

Made a short video here:

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Find a priest, quickly.

Right - so you don’t convert to curves. Good man, make yourself a coffee!! Thank you

EDIT: My fault for the convert to curve error. Sorry.

It might also be worthwhile to look into how things like this can be done in CSS:


No worries. Got there in the end. Thank fuck

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There are 2 CSS ways -

  1. Blend modes - I posted an example with SectionsBox doing exactly this a couple of weeks ago. Core will make this extremely easy with a couple of clicks.
  2. Clip path (Clipper stack if you want to)

1 is much easier and a ton less code
Both a browser dependent and while support is good, there is nothing quite so reliable as a cut out image.

Here is a little preview of doing it with Core
Shared with Zight


Cool :)