Advance to next limelight on click

I have a gazillion limelimelights in my new game, and when I use the stacks content type and put a picture stack in there, I can give the picture stack a custom class to nav to another slide on click. But if my content type is Image, there is no Custom Classes field in the editor to allow this. Is there any setting where I can just use the Image content type and allow the user to click through all the pics by clicking on the pic (instead of the nav arrows), or do I need to replace them all with Stack content type with a picture stack? thanks, Gregory


I’ve added a custom class option to the image content stack - its at the bottom in the Advanced settings group.

If you want it to advance to the next image then just add the 2 custom classes infix-nav ll-next to this setting.

The new version (1.1.9) is now on the stacks updater.
