Alternative to SIP colour picker

I’m just setting up a new Mac, and have been a long time SIP colour picker user. I have though stayed at version 1 because I prefer how it works, and don’t need anything that came with v2. However, to work on Apple silicone it needs Rosetta, and I’m trying to set up the new machine without having to install Rosetta.

Does anyone know of a good alternative?

The way I use SIP is to have it live in the menu bar, then when I need to pick up a colour from anywhere on the screen I just click on SIP, then click on the colour. The hex code is then displayed and stored in the SIP app.

This is all I need the alternative to do.



I also used SIP in the past and now am using color slurp

Thanks. I’ve just got a free colour picker from the appstore which covers what I need, but what are the in-app purchases of Slurp?

10 bucks per year for fast access to stored colors.

Which did you find?

I found summit called System Colour Picker, which seems to be an app that connects to and adds features to the standard color picker. But ya, Slurp is much nicer.

Do you know if it’s limited to one machine in Pro mode? I’ve checked the site and can’t find any mention.

EDIT: Pro offers sync across all devices, so gonna assume it’s not limited to one!

Thanks for the heads up folks.

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Thanks both. But thanks Steve, Thats a great little find

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