Any Elementor users in the house?

This is a good explanation of the Elementor website (page) builder:


My main computer, a MacBook Pro (2016) has just been repaired - base plate distortion caused by battery swelling (the joys of lithium-ion). The warranty repair took 5 working days and the battery replacement assembly included a new keyboard, mousepad, top plate etc.

Without my main Mac I could edit Wordpress/Elementor websites with a PC browser but for RapidWeaver I needed a second Mac. I resurrected an old MacBook (2012) with a clean install of OS X and fortunately my RW addons / projects were in the cloud, so weaving continued.

So the question is how many Macs do you weavers have?

I have 2 - Macbook pro and a much older Macbook. Def nice having sites totally editable from where-ever with whatever.

PS I’ve just converted two more RW websites to WordPress… Both now have blogs (3-D’s is currently hidden), built in minutes.

And coming Soon…

In my case Phil the answer is 3 - 2 Mac Minis and a MacBook Pro

Just love how the Elementor goes the extra mile, they could have just settled with a simple import too… amazing!

Lottie is nice. Is there a way to use them in RW?

Go here

to generate this code:
<script src=""></script> <lottie-player src="" mode="bounce" background="transparent" speed="1" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;" loop autoplay></lottie-player>

And paste into any HTML stack

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Thank you :-)

Also if you view a Lottie animation in the animations section at, you can select an animation, click on it and then click on the HTML button and you can download the code for it.

<script src=""></script> <lottie-player src="" background="transparent" speed="1" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;" loop autoplay></lottie-player>

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wow, 90kb minified of JS from and external CDN for one little lighthouse animation plus for our German friends like @Fuellemann it is not GDPR compliant. Read their privacy policy - they do collect IP’s and a lot more

That’s why I thought BWD will provide a stack for this :-)

Note - The Elementor widget does a lot more that just embed an animation, it can edit the hover states, reverse, change speeds, change colours, when animations start (hover, click etc), when to start in relation view ports etc etc

Not my style really.

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Can Elementor import a WP site or WP theme not created with Elementor?

I need to integrate a Realtor (Estate Agent) system Dezrez and WP seems to be the least hassle way to do it, so looks like I will use Elementor.

Justin will be able to answer this better than me but …

it’s very similar to RW. WordPress is theme-driven. So, yes you can use a website that already exists and change themes. But, as with RW, there may be a little to a lot of “cleaning up” to do. In this case it’s more akin from moving from a regular RW theme to a framework like Source or Foundry.

… it is possible that the theme currently used will play well, or pretty well, with Elementor. Unlike Foundry or Foundation where you need to use the Foundry or Foundation themes, you do NOT need to use a specific theme with Elementor. Some work much better with it, others less so. The lightest weight theme that works with Elementor is Hello Elementor (made by the Elementor folks).

Put diffferently again, Elementor does not import the WP site, it can be added to it for additional functionality.

I’m assuming in all of this that you don’t need to move the website. If you do there are pretty simple ways to do it, but that’s a different consideration.

Thanks. The requirement is to start off with an available pre built theme that its setup to use a realtor system in terms of displaying the property search system, featured properties, expanded property search pages and then style with client colour, logos and all the extra normal web page payouts that they need. I am hoping to be able to start to edit that file using Elementor.

Not ‘import’ no I don’t think so, as E sits on top of themes. What you can do though is import the website to your test server. Then add the E plugin. That way, you free up the theme for you do a you wish, in terms of design etc. E is not a theme. My two cents

To move WP websites, is a total breeze with - the All-in-one plugin.
A. The Wordpress website
B. Your clean Wordpress Install

With the the All-in-one plugin, back up A, download it. Go to B Add the All-in-one plugin - click upload and everthing is there. The same logins, plugins, all links adjusted, images, its a mirror of site A. Super easy. Of course, if you are using paid plugins then the licenses will flag that its on a different URL so there is a bit of cleaning up to do - ie let the licenses know its changed URLs (most its just a case of clicking)



Using something like MAMP or Local (by Flywheel) are both great for local development. Makes testing things and working on your design a LOT faster (unless you already have a super fast internet connection). Elementor recognizes if you are using a local website and does not count that against your usage for a license.

As Justin mentioned All in One is very easy to use. Great for moving from local to real environment, or for backups. Only key limitation I know of is the site needs to be 500 Mb or less to use the free version. I ended up buying a paid version as it will backup/transfer any sized website PLUS easy to set up automatic backups. In my case I back up to Dropbox at a specific time each day. As with RW, backups are very important!

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@Justin @mitchellm Thanks both. Just checking out the All In One plugin.

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