Any new CMS news?

Looking for a CMS to work in a Foundation site - is there anything new about (beta is possible…)?

What do you need it to do that the usual suspects can’t do?

I’m curious because also looking for a CMS that can add custom fields galore to a blog for a sales catelogue. I’m aware that TotalCMS3 Pro (?) is coming but it’s not available yet.

Hi Paul, I tried a couple and briefly used TCMS. However Stuart, Jannis, Andrew and a couple of others have done such amazing work over the last couple of years that my sites are entirely built from their stacks. I would love to use a similar CMS, if possible…

TCMS 3 was shown off at the Summit. There is some big features in it, especially with unmilited fields in collections. We should be seeing a beta in the next month or 2. Extremely excited for that.


I have working version for Volt CMS 2.

Still needs a lot of polishing and work. Targeting EoY '24 latest.


Can you already say something on the improvements vs Volt version 1?

I‘ve used Volt CMS with Blocs and found it promising. When I recall correctly there was a limit of one blog per page what hindered me to move forward.

It’s completely rewritten with a new editor.

Yes, one blog per page. Because navigation of pages does not work with multiple blogs on a page.

You can overcome this with adding multiple recent post stacks (rss importers for Poster Stack works same) on one main page, pointing to several subpages, each with one blog.


Thanks @Jannis, not sure if I understood the below part correct

You can overcome this with adding multiple recent post stacks (rss importers for Poster Stack works same) on one main page, pointing to several subpages, each with one blog.

But I will not capture this thread and try out what I understood and probably open a new thread.

In your recent live stream you used TCMS3 versions as an example of possible answer form options: lite, standard and pro. Are these versions real or was it just a fabricated example?

This was real from the versions Joe talked about at the summit.

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Yes. There will be 3 versions of Total CMS: Lite, Standard and Pro.

I have not ironed out all of the feature sets but here is a general comparisons with current products.

Lite → Easy CMS
Standard → Total CMS (current version)
Pro → Total CMS on steroids with unlimited custom fields.