How to remove hand-cursor from ButtonPlus 2?

Hi, Andrew, @tav

Simple question—as in the title—no rush.

I’ve tried to add class cursor_none at the bottom of a button’s settings. Didn’t work. I’ve tried to add the same class in the link settings. Didn’t work.

My CSS code snippet I’ve used:

.cursor_none {
	cursor: none;

I’m sure you have a good reason for wanting to make the clients mouse pointer disappear completely over a button but I would caution against it over any element not least a button. Making a users mouse disappear makes them think that their computer is broken in most cases.

None the less, if you want to do it then you need to override the theme behaviour for buttons.

You could just add an !important if you wanted to be vulgar or you could increase the specificity of your selector such as

cursor: none

( No semi colon needed as you are not separating properties when there is only one).

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Andrew, as you’ve guessed, there is a good reason for this unusual treatment. This is to be used on one button only, so I will be vulgar. 😛

But you have a point about disappearing cursors, so instead of none, I decided to use default.

Thank you, works fine with!important.

I am now deeply ashamed that I mentioned the vulgar option. 😉

No, don’t be! I took it as an amusing expression. No offense at all…

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