Introducing the All-New Share It – A Revolution in Website Sharing!

We’re thrilled to announce the latest evolution of Share It – the definitive tool for making your website more shareable than ever before!

What’s New with Share It?

  1. Bypass Content Blockers: With rigorous development, Share It now effortlessly navigates around content blockers, ensuring your audience can always access and share your content.

  2. Personalized Social Icons: Showcase your brand’s unique style with customizable icons. Whether you want them standalone or encased within a circle, the choice is yours. They are easily customizable with swatches.

  3. The Launchpad: A redesigned and stylish UI that integrates multiple services. Whether you’re sharing content, linking to a webpage, or adding any stack content – the Launchpad is your go-to tool.

  4. Share It Swatch: With unparalleled flexibility, turn almost anything into a share interface just by adding a class. Buttons, images, headers – you name it!

Special Launch Offer

To celebrate the launch, we’re offering an exclusive 15% discount for the first 100 purchases. Use code: SHAREITLAUNCH at checkout.

Boost how your audience shares your content. Try the new Share It for a better sharing experience!