Introducing the PWA Stack

Convert any RapidWeaver website into a PWA with advanced caching and push messaging.

PWA Stack

The PWA Stack adds a new dimension to your RapidWeaver pages with the introduction of the Service Worker. Service Workers sit in the background and act as a proxy between your web site, browser, and network (web server), opening up new opportunities for offline experiences, background syncing, and push notifications.

This stack enables Service Worker caching for both desktop and mobile devices, with customisable caching options, pre-cached resources and an offline fallback page.


  • Works on both desktop and mobile devices.
  • Supported by all major browsers and Safari for IOS.
  • Use advanced caching only without install option.
  • Wed designers can see instant updates to changes.
  • Easily apply multiple custom cache strategies.
  • Pre-Cache pages, JS, CSS, images and more.
  • Custom offline and start pages.
  • Add multiple PWAs to a single website.
  • Send Push Messages to visitors (beta);
    • some restrictions apply.

Note: Push messaging does not currently work on IOS


Hej So this is a very interesting stack. I am actually just working on an internal communications platform for a larger bakery in Copenhagen. The one thing I am struggling with is push messages. If push messages is not working on IOS, that is quite a limiting problem for some people. Is there a possibility that it will work on a later date?

Kind Regards

Is it possible to make only a part of a website as a PWA?

That’s up to Apple. They have been slow to integrate service workers and allow PWAs into Safari and iOS, restricting push messages to native apps only.

For now, push messages only work in PWAs on Android devices, as well as Chrome and Firefox on desktop.

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Yes, the CMS demo on the website has 2 PWAs. One on the regular pages that uses advanced caching only, and a second installable PWA on the admin pages.

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So I played around with it a bit, and I have to say that you are making some really awesome stacks. Thank you for these great opportunities to be able to offer our clients more features like PWAs. I will try to apply it to a production planning system I have made entirely with Rapidweaver, Source and Google Sheets. I use this system daily in my work as a production planner in a well known organic bakery in Copenhagen. Currently we are 6 people using this system. Homegrown in Rapidweaver :-)

Kind Regards


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Thanks for the great comment.

Good luck with your project, and let me know if you get stuck with anything.


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Hej Kennerty

I saw Joe Workman released a stack called PWA Pro, he charges an enormous price of 80 dollars. I am happy I got yours for this amazing price of 25 dollars. I do not know which kind of magic his stack does that justifies such a price. It is almost the same price as Rapidweaver it self costs…

Kind Regards



80 bucks? Wow!!!

Mine is better.


Yes I agree, I saw his video yesterday, and yours is more versatile.

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Don’t be put off. Keep doing what you do best.


Hej Kennerty

I maybe am asking a dumb question, but can I install a WPA in a subdomain only. the main domain should not be included?

Kind Regards


No only can you restrict it to a subdomain, you could also restrict to a specific folder.

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Ok thank you, that is perfect.