Issue with Pulse Stack: blog integration


For one of my projects I want to integrate the Pulse5 blog. That is my configuration:

Pulse 5.3.6
PHP 7.2
Latest P5 integration

This is my set up:

RW project in root folder
Pulse in ‘pulse’ folder
RW blog page named ‘blog’

htaccess placed in folder ‘blog’ (RW root)
htaccess looks as follow:

RewriteEngine On

RewriteBase /blog

RewriteRule ^blog-tag-([^-])+? ?p=blog&blog_tag_name=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^blog-page-([^-]
)$ ?page=$1&p=blog [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^blog-([^-]*)+? ?d=$1&p=blog [L,QSA]

The pulse blog appears on the RW page. Pagination works fine.

However, tags and read-more don’t work.

When clicking on ‘Read more’, I get the following URL: https://xyz.domain/blog/blog/A-Very-Nice-Blog-Post/5 instead of https://xyz.domain/blog/?post=A-Very-Nice-Blog-Post&d=5 The latter works.

As a result a get 404 error.

For the tags it’s similar.

Thanks for any advise,


Will reply to you in a private message with an updated version.