Linking to individual blogs

I have recently purchased Poster Stack to create a blog on my site after I got tired of trying all the other options available for Rapidweaver. I’m happy to say it works very well.

There is one thing I need a hand with. Is it possible to link to individual posts within a blog? On the home screen I have put a news section which has a short two line summary of a blog post, what I would like to do is to link to the full blog on the blog page.

Is this possible somehow?

Many thanks,

Hi Rhys,

thanks for the question.

It is possible to link to individual blog posts inside Poster Stack, but as you have seen, not integrated with the link selector.

You either have to link to every post individually with using a url to the permalink (

Or, you can also make this a bit more dynamic. Poster Stack supports an RSS feed ( In addition, Poster Stack ships with a little RSS import stack (see images below). With that, you are able to pull in the latest posts from a Poster Stack Page into another page (your news section).

Let me know if you need more help.

Cheers, Jannis


I am using this feature for pulling in the version information for different stacks, which are all saved as Poster Items.