Need to mimic a chatbot!

Hi - Hope all’s well!??

I need to mimic a chatbot - ie bottom corner - an image with some text - (Hi - How Can We Help (or sim)), click to launch a pop-up that has a call to action, form etc like this but not real… no conversion - it will be more like - fill out this form and give us your tel number and we’ll be in touch asap…

Must be responsive, all stay in the bottom corner just like the chatbots do…

Any stacks that could mimic this? Cheers!

Screen Shot 2020-10-14 at 8.26.14 PM

PopDrop perhaps?

Button Plus with the pop drop option; for a bit more 1LD’s Siphon or Stacks4stacks gateway?

Someone sent me this thread asking if this were possible in Foundation 6. Yes, it is… :-)

I’ll probably ship this as a template. You have tons of control on the styles with swatches. I just threw this together in a few mins. You can see it here for now…

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I stopped using 80% of other stacks since I started using F6, you can do pretty much everything just with F6 stacks!

Yes BWD’s PopDrop is the obvious choice and you can trigger it from anything, and also a BWD Limelight solution would work perfectly.

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Thank you all. I went with PopDrop. Perfect!

Nice! But again I cant rebuild an entire website thats in F5 just to use this function in F6. Even if I did rebuild it… it would be in WP & Elementor of course! Lol

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It’s just a dropdown getting triggered from an SVG. No reason this could not be done in F5. PopDrop is a great stack though. Good luck.