New MBA, 2020 model. Does everything work on these things?

Thanks to one of my darling daughters stealing my MBA, I now need a new one! Apple have the new one in the refurb store at £809. Seems good enough. But I think these things use that new processor or summit like that, I don’t keep up with the latest bullshit from Apple!

Am I right in thinking this? And if so, does everything… RW, Affinity suite, etc. work OK on these?

BTW- Going back to my older post about a replacement for my old 17in MBP, I never did it. I tried for a few weeks doing things on the 13in MBA and got used to it.

EDIT: Ignore, just realised it is an intel processor.

Why not take this one? I guess you’re able to get it somewhere cheaper at another retailer already.

I have a M1 Mac mini and everything works great! Right at the beginning there were a couple of apps with issues (browsers like Firefox, & Chrome, but fixed now) but no issues with any other app at all - RW, Pixelmator, everything on SetApp, etc. The only real glitch I have run into is the “Bluetooth bug” where from time to time I lose Bluetooth connection, but apparently the next update from Apple will fix this. After 10+ years of Hackintosh’s love this Mini!


I have a new MacBook air and donated my old MBP to my granddaughter the best thing I ever did it’s a great machine fast and all the old software works on it no problem including RW and Affinity.

I have a new MBA (M1) and its works ok, except that Big Sur (v11.1) is causing a lot of problems and covered in many Apple forums. Besides being able to connect to ONLY one external monitor, which is a pain, the MacOS is downgrading resolutions and not able to wake a monitor after it sleeps. I have to plu and unplug cables to get things going.