No Stacks in RW9! Stacks5.App is coming!

All available stacks will work in

Exactly. RW8 and Stacks 4 will be (my good guess) at least supported until fall next year.

I’ve heard there are still RW7 users out there 😄


I don’t think anyone really knows what is going on nowadays regards RW9, Stacks, Stacks App, and so on. Frankly, it’s a bit of a shitshow.

Dan made an odd comment the other day (week) about a new way forward for RW, with an update coming soon. But it was rather cryptic with little real info, and then radio silence on the matter. Isaiah has been (I assume) busy doing his thing and has made no updated statement, so one can only assume from his end, S5 is still going to be a standalone app and there will be no integration with RW9. Whatever RW9 turns out to be!

Then you have the old forum coming back to life the other day, and being posted to by someone with access to the RM account, so you can only assume they are behind its re-enactment. But the new forum is also running. So even on the most basic level of a community, no one really knows the hell is going on.

As was said to me the other day: It’s clusterfuck business management at its very best. And I can’t disagree.

So having an alternative in play, like Blocs, is a very wise move at this time.



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I think it’s a given. Isaiah has stated this more than once.

I guess if some stacks require a slight code tweak, if the dev has recently ceased support for them, they will fall by the wayside. But really, if a dev has ceased support for a stack you need to be finding an alternative anyway.


I’ll wait and see, I’ve seen too many software promises not quite make release. Hoping for the best though.

It’ll be interesting if RW9 Elements and Stacks app end up heading in different directions. Perhaps for the short term current stacks will work, but I’m not convinced about long term and have a suspicion people will need to pick a
platform. I’m certainly not wanting to pay for two apps to do the same thing.

You seem confused and full of fear, uncertainty and doubt. RW9 has already gone in a different direction although the plans for RW9 seem to be in a state of flux and confusion and lack any detail or timescale.

Stacks App is under development specifically with the aim of running stacks. RW7 and RW8 will contnue to work with all existing stacks.


Not fear, definitely uncertainty. But then all this does leave things in an uncertain state. Yes it all works now. But some of us need to think where this is headed, as in the end it has financial implications and changes to workflows etc.

That’s quite a bit of a discussion that followed, right Simon? 😉
I can understand where you stand and that things aren’t set in stone.
Blocs is a valid choice imo, as is sticking with RW8/Stacks 4.

Regarding Stacks 5 and RW9, I can only go by what both developers shown of their character and make a prediction for the future. I believe Stacks 5 will be able to do what’s promised. Isiaha has proven to be a steady solid performer that hasn’t under delivered before and I don’t think that’ll change.It’s just who he is. Dan changed his tune a couple of times over the last couple of months, what makes it hard to predict what RW9 will become and when it’ll see the light of day.

But that’s what I believe. Simon, I think that you have enough choices with the current and coming applications to be secure enough to continue with your business as usual. No need to worry but instead look forward to be pleasantly surprised.


RapidWeaver Classic. Maybe this is an option to continue using the old Stacks concept. In this respect, the dispute between Yourhead and Realmac may have led to a reasonable compromise.

RapidWeaver Classic

Looks like a money grab to me. “It’s a big update” yet it’s still RW8, 8.10 to be specific. Their reason why explains why it’s a money grab: to stay compatible with themes and plugins (read: Stacks). So the “lots of new features and many bug fixes” are meaningless if you’re a Stacks user. The “lots of new features and many bug fixes” are also meaningless if you intend to move to RW Elements. The “many bug fixes” should be part of RW8.
What a piece of work that guy… But that’s my conclusion. You’re entitled to your own but I won’t spend a penny on Realcrapsoftware.


You’re probably right, but I’ll take a look at the demo version and then we’ll see.

Harsh, IMO.

Putting all the politics to one side, it’s four years since the last paid for upgrade.

I’ve got the beta and for me there are enough improvements to warrant a spend.

Plus, even with Stacks App coming down the line I still want RM to be a working option, and small business needs a revenue stream to stay viable.


Or 3 apps to replace one all doing the same thing. Are Realmac really going to keep developing two apps to do the same thing?


Harsh, but fair perhaps?

Yes, it has been 4 years since any significant update, but I struggle to think what functionality I use from RW, apart from the publishing platform for Stacks. RW have caused consternation by their recent actions and seem to want to play the ‘injured party’ card, but they are the team that ceased to be innovative and in all honesty, have ceased to be relevant.

RW Classic appears to be a few bug fixes, perhaps some overlooked features that didn’t make 8, but mainly an attempt to prevent the majority of their users deserting them. All I can say is roll on the Stacks app…


The “Classic” version is a mere attempt on retaining old dissatisfied customers who declared their support for Stacks 5 app.

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Harsh but fair? I dunno, maybe. But ours is a tiny community populated by micro businesses. And micro businesses are run by individuals, often with no sounding boards or oversight, and so mistakes happen.

The community is going to be better served in the long run by the success of its two core platforms, namely Stacks App and RW. So while I do get that there is some bad feeling around I personally think it’s best to turn the page and move on.

I’m not taking sides or condoning or condemning any actions. Business is business. I just feel that my future business is more secure if both players succeed, so I’ll support both.


This does look like a release to keep the lights on and get Elements out the door. The change in yearly support is maybe not welcome but understandable to avoid going full subscription model. Though in my opinion bug fixes should be free regardless, improvements/new features fair enough to charge for. Maybe it’s going to be a new annual release?

It looked like a few improvements over RW8 but nothing startling. I’d be wary of the new and exciting things coming, as they’ve usually been a let down in the past.

Continually developing two similar/competing programs can’t be a good long term strategy, I’d assume something has to give at some point.

I’m far more interested to hear how Stacks 5 is coming along.


EXACTLY. Also, Realmac wants to lock their customers in a disguised subscription for updates.

It’s worse than before. Now there will be 3 apps to do the same thing. RW Classic to keep frustrated costumers. RW elements to try to build a new ecosystem against stacks, and Stacks 5 to have the Rapidweaver we know with just Stacks features, under other boss. This only makes sense for the developers, but users will be very confused. I’m fine with all these moves and announcements. To be honest, I will go straight to Stacks 5. That’s the only logical solution for people who use Stacks only websites.

If you are using Rapidweaver 8, don’t upgrade and jump to Stacks 5 app.

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As up to date as Rapidweaver classic may be, I don’t think Isaiah intends to add any updates to Stacks there. This will soon make this program obsolete …
PS when the remedy is worse than the mistake …

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