No Stacks in RW9! Stacks5.App is coming!

Whether or not I upgrade doesn’t affect the seamless or not seamless transition to Stacks App or RW9. I suspect it will by rife with issues for quite some time, but hey, I may be surprised.

Maybe I will see Michael from Yuzoolthemes show up on I’ve been with RW since the first version, so imagine how many stacks I have purchased for close to 20 years, especially from Yuzoolthemes, one of the foundation developers for RW…love loved the guy, he is a genius!

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Yes, he is! I doubt he will return.

Thanks Jannis…we hope for the best, still. Thanks for informing us on these latest development.

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Full marks and thanks to Isaiah for creating this new Stacks 5 App FAQ.

Dan should do the same and come clean about RW9. Not a single RW Project file that uses Stacks, at this point, will be able to be used in RW9. Trying to smooth over this bombshell by suggesting “we’ve also built-in support for third-party developers to optionally upgrade their stacks to make them compatible with RapidWeaver 9” is delusional and misleading. Why would any stacks developer want to do this when it would involve a great deal of work and testing, requiring further testing from users and repurchase of the “updated” stacks.

When Stacks 5 App is ready, and Isaiah is currently on full speed ahead, there will be no need for any Stacks users to use RW anymore.

The current RW7 & RW8 will still function for years to come, so Stacks users can just do nothing and maybe consider redirecting their RW9 money to Ukraine as a donation, or buy into Stacks 5 App as a thankyou to Isaiah for his genuine and ongoing support.


@dancounsell – In my opinion, you should have notified all RW users about the upcoming changes in RW architecture as soon as you’ve made the decision, or at least when you started working on this new version. That would’ve been fair for us and wise for you.


I don’t see anything untrue in above statements.

I doubt that this will happen. The original community thread is now censored and closed for comments.

Edit: seems someone rethought his decision and reopened the original community thread.

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@dancounsell I was referring only to your RapidWeaver 9 Roadmap Update - March 16th.

Existing RW users who use plugins, and specifically Stacks are looking for clarity and reassurance that what they have invested in will seamlessly work in RW9 without further risk, delay, expense and dependence beyond RM.

In the coming weeks and months the clarity will be hands on experience with Stacks App.

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You just reopened that one.

We all loved RW until some days ago.

You started this whole shit show.

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@dancounsell where is actually this post gone?

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Not correct. I think you refer to your own marketing disaster.

It started to blow up with RW Stacks users, when you announced the new RW9 API at the beginning of March. As you well know, this meant all existing plugins including Stacks, would not work without a total rewrite. 1000’s of hours for Stacks.

Faced with that bombshell, I believe that Isaiah made the wise and universally applauded decision to replace the fronend to Stacks, otherwise known as RW, with a stand alone App that did not have any dependence on RW. This was music to the ears of Stacks users.


Imagine how it would have gone if Isaiah had announced he’d bring Stacks to RW9 and that he was developing - now that would have been a win with zero complaints and only upsides for third-party stacks developers and customers.

Again forgetting the guy that put food on your table for the last 20 years.
I honestly don’t think you realise what you’re saying. Else you have no idea how thinly veiled your words are.

Clearly it would have been totally impossible for Stacks to survive as a Rapidweaver plugin, if Rapidweaver can convert stacks to run without the plugin

I wrote stacks for Yourhead Stacks, and I will continue to write stacks for Yourhead Stacks exclusively.
My mind could not be changed if RW9 turns out to be the best thing since sliced bread. It’s owned by a greedy bad egg.
Feel free to take a match to my bridge.


Literally no one would have an issue if this was the case. 2 separate and competing products would indeed have been good for developers and users alike.

The core issue though is that Elements didn’t seem to fancy that competitive aspect and instead looked to wipe the competition out by attempting to assume control of stacks and the Stacks user base.


@dancounsell Do you really not get it or is this smiling executioner situation going to continue? We’ve said in private and public many times over the past couple of weeks that no developer objects to Elements or RapidWeaver 9.

We object to Elements importing stacks and rendering the Stacks plugin impotent. That is not competition, that is not improving user choice or even continuity.

Even if RW9 and Elements do turn out to be better and would win a genuine user base, they will be tainted by what many will see as an unacceptable approach to business.

There is still time to turn this around and just stop the stack transpiler part of Elements. Let people write or re-write products for Elements and let stacks work with Stacks. Stop this fragmentation of the community.


My post on the RW Forum has been deleted. It was saying how disappointed with recent events I am and how I felt that @dancounsell was being unethical to be doing what he is doing.

I know I posted it (after Tavs post) but poof!! Vaporised!!

Edit: I have just had it confirmed by another user that they saw my post and now it isn’t there.

WTF? Dan… what the hell has happened to your moral compass?

@dancounsell Please listen to Tav. He speaks the whole truth without malice, prejudice, or even money to taint his view. His business acumen is razor sharp.

We don’t hate RW.
We don’t hate elements.
We don’t hate you.

But there seems few good reasons to read the Stacks API. From our vantage point it looks only like you’re trying to hurt someone who helped you a great deal. It’s not a good look.

Taking what I’ve built doesn’t seem to help you compete with wordpress. Worse, you’re destroying one of RW’s greatest assets, the developer community. You’re decimating your own army.

I am truly sorry it ended this way. I thought we would retire together someday as friends.



I know, my response is largely irrelevant for the debate here, but what are you linking to ? Something completely different !?

The Stacks 5 app is in the works. It will likely be months before either RW 9 or Stacks 5, the Stacks app, will be available.

If you type Stacks . app (without spaces) it will link the URL because .app is now a valid URL and markdown does auto-linking on any URL typed inline.

So I’ll be answering this question a lot for the foreseeable future. Or until that weird marketing startup goes belly up.

I’m not really a fan of announcements when there is so little to show people, but I felt saying nothing was too scary for users trying to figure out what to do.

You can find more answers here: The Stacks 5 App FAQ