RWC is now a pure subscription model. Yes, it changed!

That’s a useful clarification. I’m just not clear why I would want to spend that much on an upgrade with those few new features. Especially since RealMac’s commitment to taking ‘Classic’ anywhere seems unlikely (what kind of future development do they envision?) and Stacks 5.0 is much more likely to open up new avenues for stacks developers. I’m smelling a cooked goose here.


@Fuellemann Where on this FAQ page does it say that it is no longer a subscription again.

It says this:

Subscriptions automatically renew unless you cancel them.
If you cancel, you can keep using the subscription until the next billing date

On the original thread linked at the top, the answers made clear that the “use forever” policy had changed.

Where is the new information that indicates that this has changed again since Tuesday? Perhaps I’m missing something.


Maybe interpret it literally? The version that you’re currently using. Currently as in today August 11th 2022…

It’s their software and their decision what they do. I’m so disappointed in Realmac Software over the past six months.

The way they treated Stacks developers was a disgrace and now they sneak this one in.

I’ve always wanted this small British business to succeed, so you’ve no idea how sorry I am to say this, but if that’s the way they treat people, they really don’t deserve to prosper at all.


It has definitely changed not been “clarified”, there is now the following on the FAQ, which I’m sure wasn’t there yesterday.

If “nothing has changed” then why is there an old style renewal plan for early bird subscribers and a “different” one for new subscribers

It looks very much like a U turn to me.


Looks like I’m looking at a cached version of the page then

OK I’ve now seen the refreshed page which is self contradictory. The specific forum answers from RM on Tuesday and yesterday are in direct opposition to the answer you got from that single FAQ answer, they clearly say that the policy has changed to a pure subscription model. I think the situation is so ambiguous at the moment that no one can rely on it.

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Actually not. They are using the subscription plan. But it was not clear if RW could be used if the plan was cancelled. I talked to Dan yesterday/today and suggested for him to update the FAQs as this question is important and could lead to many irritations - see our discussions here. In my opinion it was never thought to disable RW at all if the subscription runs out - but not very well communicated. Glad that it is finally made clear.

…so why did he say the opposite when @TemplateRepo asked that precise question on the RM forum. He clearly said that it had changed since the “early bird” offer and was now a pure subscription.
Furthermore, when @alixnotes complained that she had missed out, he offered to make an exception for he if she emailed in. If nothing had changed why did he do that.
This is not misunderstanding, it a is flip flop of policy and it would just be nice for people to know what the actual policy will be in the long term.


They knew what they were doing.


My interpretation of this gross foul up is that there are 2 subscriptions for Rapidweaver, today right now. May change tomorrow.

The first one was the original subscription or “Early Bird offer” that will NOT auto-renew after 12 months, long after we are all creating mind blowing web sites with Stacks App.

The second and only one available now, will auto-renew every months using your RM saved details until you cancel it. Lets call this one the “Late Hornet offer” - a fresh sting every 12 months. Why anyone would not cancel now or before the 12 months are up, long after Stacks App is available, is a puzzle.

Whether you get updates or not is immaterial, because every Stacks user will be using Stacks App. You can cancel the subscription now and still receive the updates - what are you waiting for?

  • Car Crash
  • Train Wreck
  • Expected Normality
  • All of the above

0 voters


I’m slightly confused.

Is the non subscription available to all purchases or only those who purchased in the first month?

Or, perhaps, it’s a policy of flip-flopping?


You mean the non-subscription on renew (so after a year)? I think to those who purchased in the first month and the those who contact them now and ask for that first deal.

No where. In the updated policy of 8-11-22 does it say the software will continue to work as is, neither feature nor bug updates will be available until one renews. Only that you can keep it. The way things have been playing out I would say that needs to be clarified and VERY clear.

I did not go with Pinegrow over “Tailwind Visual Editor” being part of a subscription model.

On their website I see there’s a one time payment:

Comes with 1 year of free updates . After the first year you can use your current version forever or renew to continue receiving free updates. Interactions are not included .

It’s the old discussion if this is a subscription or not. When I lease or hire a car it’s for the time I agreed upon, all is included: insurance, road tax and maintenance. However, I can buy a car at a MUCH lower price, get my own insurance, pay the state and I can get a service/maintenance contract. It seems the software cowboys want to replicate the same model, but they fail to see that after a year the end result is the same, with the main difference that one stops working and the other not. I fail to see why anyone would go for the ‘official’ subscription if there’s an alternative that doesn’t stop. Perhaps it’s the “lease with an option to buy” they want to replicate?

Edit: @A.B.Cole I see that the Interactions aren’t available for one time payment. What is kind of similar as offering a car without a backseat…

Edit2: This post is about Pinegrow’s subscription, not RW.

“free updates”. How generous

-nevermind, I need new glasses-