Stacks 5.1 is now released

Announced on the Discord, Stacks 5.1 is available.

Also “Stacks 5.1.0 beta 4 on the beta server too. This is an identical build for those folks using the beta. The only difference is the version number.”


“The only difference is the version number.”

Just like the new RW Classic 9? 🥳

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That new v9.0 RW Classic is very suspicious. .rwc files could be renamed as .rw8 and then used in RW8.

Could this be a move to stop that, I wonder?

“Why the version number jump? Well, we’ve listened to feedback from our users and agree, that having distict numbers will avoid confusion between the older 8.x versions of RapidWeaver and the all new RapidWeaver Classic.”

Still offering 60% off too!


But wait, there’s more… 🤪

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Has anyone seen a log of updated features? I can find nothing on the YourHead site and I’ve been through Discord (which really is a nightmare — an object lesson in how not to design a social media platform). Tabbing from stack to stack is still not possible in Preview (as it was in earlier versions of Stacks). And all of the items on the Stacks menu are still greyed out in Preview. (Does Isaiah not get that the only way to see what you’re doing in RW/Stacks is to use Stacks in Preview? Edit mode is now just a collection of content-input boxes, and constantly flipping from one to another just to select another stack is so “OMG, are we back in 1985?”)

Without a published log, the update is probably a bug fixing release and most likely related to RW Classic or RW9 or whatever it is called today.

The live preview in RW+Stacks is a big feature but to not be able to navigate using simple up/down, while in Live preview, really restricts how good Live preview could be (or used to be).

The Stacks Discord group seems to get worse with time and is all too often turning into a platform for advertising upcomming events or for Realmac to promote their lack of effort or question why stacks users are fed up with RW.

Yeah - i can’t stand Discord either. The release notes are here:


That’s why I don’t spend anytime over there. Just can’t figure out how to use it without needing to scroll through everything. Plus there seems to be no rhyme or reason to the topic organization.

Something like “verbal incontinence”? 😂

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Not sure why we consider ‘Discord’ to be so different than e.g. this forum here - with the exception that a lot of the communication happens unsorted and mixed up in the ‘chat’ instead of in dedictaed topical threads in the ‘stacks’ section …

Maybe it is not my place, but I took the liberty to copy the info you all have provided here into an announcement post. Giving Isaiah is freezing solid in Austin, it’s just me jumping in to share this info where it likely would have been posted otherwise. Cheers

Exactly that’s it.

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Put it this way, Discord makes me feel as if I have to gain enough points before I can eventually move up to a level where everything will be clear. This forum is not sophisticated, but it does everything a forum needs to do, and it’s easy to follow threads and see where there have been new posts. Discord manages to turn its navigation system into a weapon: it takes real artistry to make something as opaque and confusing as that. And it’s the only social media platform I’ve come across which makes the user search for where the new messages have been hidden.

I don’t know anything beyond what I’m reading here, but it wouldn’t surprise me if @isaiah specifically and intentionally chose Discord for its inherent confusion. @isaiah is in an even more precarious position than all other Stacks users and Stacks developers as RMS is at work trying to eliminate Stacks.

I assure you this is not the case. The hope is it would be a better more elegant solution. For some I’m sure it is. Just not for me. I’m old school. :-)

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@Mark Not sure this is quite accurate either. Several folks have moved from Slack to Discord. Slack has, in the past 6 months, started cutting back on what you get with the “free” version. So several have left for other pastures out of practical necessity.

Discourse (i.e. this forum and several others) is a really nice way to communicate. Too bad he didn’t select that option. But it’s easy enough to adapt in order to get crucial info … although there’s also a lot of “non crucial” info on that Discord place. :)

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I don’t like Discord either, it didn’t come as a surprise as I clearly don’t fit within their target audience. And I doubt much Stacks users do or am I mistaken?

As of May 2022, users between the ages of 25 to 34 years accounted for the biggest share of users worldwide, making up over 42 percent of the platform’s audience. Younger users between 16 and 24 years made up 22.2 percent of the Discord user base. Discord is a gamers-friendly group communication platform launched in 2015.

I do not appreciate Discord either. Maybe it’s because I’m 80. I find it confusing and way too many extraneous posts to what I am looking for. A number of cryptos I’m holding use it. They used to use Telegram, but that is phishing heaven for crooks.

Thank you for the link to the release notes.


Unfortunately the Yourhead Discord channel has become a place for idle chit-chat, mostly by people who really should know better.


Things are what you make of them. If you want questions and interactions to be made on the Discord channel, then get involved and make it happen. Sometimes idle chit chat promotes interaction. More interaction means that people will start asking questions and have good discussions. But complaining and inaction don’t make things better.