Super Forms 2 and Google Tag Manager


Just wondered if anyone has any experience using 1LD Super Forms 2 with Google Tag Manager.

I have asked for support from 1LD but it’s been nearly a week and no response. I hope they are OK!

Any tips on integrating Google Tags with SuperForms 2 would be much appreciated.

I had emailed them recently and asked about google tag support and they said it doesn’t currently support it. I am also looking for a Rapidweaver friendly option that supports Google Tag Manager.

Ah! Thanks Tommi. That’s good to know. At least they responded to you. I just get “crickets”. Maybe they are working on a solution right now. They feature Google Captcha and submit to Google Sheets. Compatibility with Google Tags would make a full set. Fingers crossed.

@tommi and @MikeB It might be worthwhile to explore MachForm. Several RW/Stacks users have this product on their websites. It’s very flexible and powerful. Unfortunately I don’t know if it has support for Google Tag Manager. Probably worthwhile contacting them. In additon @dave uses MachForm a lot and he may also know. (I have no reason to use Google Tag Manager with my forms so I’m blissfully unaware of why this might be a useful function to have with forms).

Here’s the MachForm website:

Thanks Mitchellm, That’s really helpful. I’ve just sent them an email following your recommendation. Thanks again.

MachForm, while primarily a server-side application generating HTML forms, doesn’t offer native “compatibility” with Google Tag Manager (GTM) like a CMS-specific plugin or module would. Nevertheless, its capacity to generate HTML and support for custom JavaScript scripts means it can inherently work alongside GTM’s functionalities. From my experience with a previous project—where tracking conversions was crucial due to a significant annual Google AdWords budget—integrating the two platforms was both vital and achievable.

Here’s how we successfully integrated GTM with MachForm:

  1. JavaScript and Non-JavaScript Snippet Insertion: We started by embedding the small JavaScript snippet and non-JavaScript (noscript) iframe tags provided by GTM into our web pages. This foundational step enabled us to manage a variety of tracking and marketing tags directly from GTM’s interface, facilitating the tracking of form submissions, page views, and more without altering our site’s code directly.
  2. GTM Code Insertion: Specifically, we placed the GTM container snippets within the and tags of our key pages—homepages, landing pages with CTA buttons, and thank-you pages. Within GTM, we crafted triggers and tags designed to monitor distinct interactions with our MachForm forms. For example, we established a trigger for “Form Submission” events, complemented by a trigger for viewing the thank-you page post-conversion.
  3. Custom JavaScript in MachForm: This aspect was beyond my coding expertise, but, through collaboration with the client’s third-party marketing firm, I managed to incorporate custom JavaScript within MachForm (a feature supported by MachForm that allows inserting custom scripts for each form). This enabled the tracking of specific events that GTM couldn’t automatically detect or when particular data needed to be relayed to Google Analytics and the client’s third-party platform.

Though my direct involvement with this site has ended—following its merger into a larger site—the experience highlighted the seamless potential for integrating MachForm with GTM, greatly enhancing our tracking capabilities and contributing to a more nuanced understanding of our digital interactions.

I’ve found the support staff at MachForm to be very helpful over the years. Keep in mind that they are based in the Philippines (so 12 hours different than most of the USA).

Good luck! Dave

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At Dave’s and other users’ suggestion I have recently implemented MachForms quickly and easily into a couple of sites. Overall it was a very easy experience and the hide / show functionality based on user interaction is far more powerful than it first seems. Support was excellent and I ended up upgrading to a more premium package midway through because I was so happy with the experience.


Form reliability is excellent, no need for SMTP mail sending

Use the self-hosted, it is straightforward and easy. Once my ISP had created the MySQL database for me (I have no access), connecting MachForms was easy and quick.

My only tiny negative: I would like a tiny bit more customisation of field spacing within forms. If you are comfortable with CSS, it should be no issue, but for me, the option to add manual padding for each field would be really helpful. This is a typical booking form on my site and I’d like to be able to do a little more to prevent certain things being truncated and to have a touch more control on spacing Book Spain with WildlPhotographer


Many thanks @Dave and @Nick . Fantastic responses. really useful information. It’s great to see that I have alternative options if I can’t get Super Forms 2 to work.