TCMS License

I love you Dave, but this is not quite how I worded things. This is how bad rumors get started and how people start picturing me in a bad light. I don’t think that is fair.

I have started to get requests from people that purchased Total CMS licenses 3 years ago. Their customers left and now they wanted to repurpose that license for a new customer. I did not personally think that was fair to me. After discussing this with multiple Total CMS users, it was suggested to me that I allow transferring of a license to a new domain within 12 months. I thought that seemed fair so I went with it.

Now I am not a cold, heartless guy who would ever say anything like “regardless of the reason”. Most of you know me pretty well. Does that seem like something that I would say? In fact, I have yet turned down anyone’s request for transferring a domain. However, I am glad that I have a policy in place so that I feel comfortable turning someone down in the case that I feel someone is taking advantage.

Yes. It does this to ensure that the domain that your domain is licensed. However, you can request a special file that will permanently turn the phone home off. However, at this point you forfeit the right to ever transfer a domain. This is because that license file will allow you to run Total CMS on a domain forever. This option is also great for corporate environments that are behind a firewall and do not have any outside network access.

The current 8.1 update woes are unfortunate. I don’t see how you are think this has anything to do with financial issue though. RW 8.1 was in beta for months. Many users including myself thought that is was an extremely solid build that could have been released a month ago. Then shit hit the fan. I was blown away. It’s unfortunate that some users got affected.

However, as many of you know, people only post when they have problems. We are not seeing the countless thousands of users that the update has been amazing for. The good news is that Realmac and YourHead have already shipped updates to fix most of the issues. The remaining few issues should be sorted in the next few days.

I am a business man too… If you made a living making websites, you have to continue looking for new tools and keep your options open. That is just good business. I am glad that most of you here still use Rapidweaver + Stacks as your core product. I work my ass off everyday to bring you the tools that you need to make better websites than you ever could year after year.

Thank you all on this thread that have been loyal and have allowed me to serve you over the years. I am confident in the tools that I will be shipping this year. They will blow away anything else on the market. I am off to work on Foundation 2… have a wonderful week everyone!