Twitter Lists Issue

Hello all, I have a community news site that uses Twitter list feeds and they have stopped loading on the site at least when using mobile. The site is Does anyone know of a fix or better stack I could be using to load Twitter lists? Thanks

It looks like Twitter List embeds simply are not working. They don’t even work on the Twitter Dev site. List Timeline | Docs | Twitter Developer Platform Any ideas on a better way to display Tweets from different accounts on a website using Stacks?

Just an idea, maybe this is related to the recent changes in the visible threads per person?


Yeah, perhaps it is. Their own website isn’t even working lol. I don’t know what to do. I may have to rethink the entire website due to Twitter changing things. I am hoping they will fix it though.

Pretty sure Twitter blocked all feeds etc.

Regardless of whether they “fix” this particular issue you need to rethink your site, if Twitter is crucial to its operation as Twitter absolutely can’t be relived upon.

I agree. I don’t have the time to manually post on the news site and that is why I used Twitter. Anyone know of a Stack that can feed Facebook posts from multiple accounts at the same time? Or ideas on how to create a social media feed on the website? I am running out of ideas. Thanks all

Facebook block these things years ago. Bottom line… don’t rely on commercial socials for anything!

What is it you are needing to do? Post news snippets regularly?

Yeah, I mostly want to repost from local news channels and also have the ability to post my own news when needed. Twitter was perfect for it until it wasn’t lol

The short answer is: don’t rely on services like FB or Twitter for automating content on your website. They don’t like being used that way as your visitors won’t see their ads. That’s the reason why FB blocked this a while back.

Twitter is just being unpredictable lately. After Musk took over, lots of features have been put behind a paywall or simply removed altogether. The latest “motivation” to get you to pay is setting a limit to the amount of tweets you can load per day and shutting down the API that most stacks and plugins use.

My advice: go the blog route and host your own blog. There’s quite a few options out there for RapidWeaver, some even allowing you to update the blog without launching RapidWeaver (and do so from any device that has a browser).

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