Videos in Limelight Lightboxes not playing?

Hi Andrew, having a couple of issues with using Self Hosted videos with Limelight and Lightboxes - a technique I’ve been using for years. Been away from Rapidweaver for a few months and now I notice that Self Hosted videos will not Autoplay in Safari (they work fine in Chrome and Firefox). Old, previously published, sites work fine but if I republish them they do not

This test site shows my issue. Works in Firefox and Chrome but not Safari.

I’ve confirmed that Auto-Play is set to Allow All in the Safari settings.

Did something change somewhere along the line with either Limelight/Lightbox, Safari or perhaps Foundation which I’m using as a theme?


I’ve just tested with your video link on a test page and it autoplays properly except with F6. It works with Foundation 5, and all other themes that I’ve tried.

Thanks Andrew. Forgive my stupidity but how are you able to change the theme without the RW project file?

As to my problem, this then is an F6 issue.

Would love to direct my question to Joe Workman but don’t see Foundation as a category on this sight and he no longer seems active on Weavers Space.

Anybody know how to get in touch with him?

I just made a test project of my own but used the link to your video from your example above.

@joeworkman is on here but is best contacted through the weaversspace community

I saw your post there an will help you on WS. Strange that you thought that I was not active over there though. We will get you squared away.

Thanks Joe. I appreciate your diligence in coming to the aid of stranded travelers.

I thought I saw a post from you announcing that you were leaving the forum, but that must’ve been something else.

Ahh you mean the post about being asked to not post on the Realmac Forum. That’s different, he’s very active over on the WS Community.