Work smart - reduce Stack dev's support tickets

Are you struggling to make your RW project design work? Bear with me…

Every one of us has had a great idea for a website, fired up the Mac, launched RW and started adding Stacks to a blank page or theme to recreate our creative vision.

🕛 First hour Publish. Ah! It doesn’t work as you intended.

Happens to us all.

🕑 Second hour No worries, go back to the original page Stacks structure and tweak it - maybe adding another Stack to make it work.

Because you’re told it is that simple.

🕒 Three hours You’ve tweaked every setting and still some page elements work - but others don’t.

Because you’re convinced that your first solution was correct, it only needs another Stack or two to make it happen.

🕓 Four hours You trawl BWD, Weavers, Realmac and Stack dev sites for magic-wand Stacks. You even purchase one or two.

Because you’re getting desperate.

🕔 Five hours By now, you’ve added Stacks on Stacks plus your new magic-wand Stacks.
You have republished and wondered why all your hard work and money has not improved on your first hour’s bright start.

Because you are trapped in an infinite loop of confusion. And a little poorer.

🕕 Six hours A day’s work - and you are tired, frustrated and no progress since the first hour…
So you fire off multiple support requests to Stacks devs hoping for your elusive magic wand solution.

They in turn will spend their valuable time unpicking your admirable effort in an attempt to pinpoint where the problems hide. This forum is full of such cases.

For you, depending on your level, that’s £250 - £500 billable time lost. Gone.

Ring a bell? Still with me?

Let’s look at a smarter way to work…

🕛 First hour Check for updates to MacOS, RW, frameworks (Foundation/Foundry etc.) and Stacks. Install updates and relaunch. Then begin your first page creation. Not the whole website, speed up your workflow.

Keep it simple with placeholder heading, text and image stacks while you work out the site content container widths, padding, margins.

Publish, look, tweak and repeat until you are happy with your content positioning.

🕑 Second hour Now add your “special” stacks - sliders, animators, pop-ups, modals etc.

Placeholder stuff still in place, publish, look, tweak and repeat. (Harsh but time-saving fact: No one, apart from you, cares about your content).

If you are still not getting the look or Stack response you expected NOW is the time to look for expert help here especially - but I believe there are other forums.

In RW4ALL you will get multiple responses from the brightest and most experienced creators in the RW universe - including most of the Stacks devs.

That’s your real magic wand.

Do this I’ve saved you four hours of fruitless work. Invoice in the post. 🤣