Rapidweaver Classic announced

So basically you jinxed it? Bravo!


lmao! why?

Oh yeah. For all who see errors in your website after switching to RW Classic… Tell this beforehand the developer you reach out to.

I hope you’re not going to delete RW and Stacks for the same reason 😉


yes, I will delete them as soon as Stacks 5 👍 comes out


I understand, but if the companies are demanding the depth of what you are looking for then surely they need it all tracked and multiple options for what they can and cant see/read/access and this to me is only fully done by paid companies same as what the big organisations use.

I must apologise if the above is done already with Rapidweaver - if so, please share as I would too be interested.

I am a full Blocs user now and LOVE it, but have used Rapidweaver for years and still play around with it, huge fan of Joe Workmans work and still love his videos and stacks.

I was quite excited to see the price of the new upgrade of Rapidweaver but as im so far in depth and love with Blocs - I will look but not touch!

Good luck in what you do.


That’s good to know, I’m just transitioning over now. Had Blocs since it was released, but never really used it. Using Eldar’s videos, which has been a real help.

Will keep my eye on the Stacks app. Didn’t upgrade to Classic as I don’t really gain anything over RW8. Not sure about Elements. If I have to buy a whole load of elements to get me where I am now with Stacks I won’t be interested.

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I keep my fingers crossed how it’ll work out with these new RWC projects… I’m afraid it’s a silly attempt to make it difficult to convert projects to [you name it ].
Hopefully Isaiah creates some sort of exporter to be used from within the Stacks plugin so pages can easily be imported into the Stacks app. I’m confident about that! 👍🏻

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I would keep an eye on Blocs though, they have some really cool stuff coming down the pipe.



They’re way ahead right now, with the iPad app they got my attention and the new Blocs version is scary good. I’m still thinking it would cost me an arm and a leg to get everything they offer so I can step in the game where I am now with RW8 and Stacks.


QUESTION: Why should I spend € 46 for RW classic which does exactly the same things as RW8, in the exact same way, at the same speed, with the same MacOs compatibility and with the same (i.e. no) possibility of improvement? Every time I’ve enjoyed a real improvement in using RW in recent years has been when a new version of stacks came out. I have always updated RW solely to maintain compatibility with new versions of MacOs.
I REPEAT: since there will be no more stacks updates for RW classic, what’s the point of spending money just to get a new file type (rwc)?


Here’s the update list:


Seeing Jannis, thank you.
It is a minor release (the fact that it is called 8.10.0 is indicative), some very slight changes and fixes do not justify the purchase: they do not change and do not improve the way I work with RW.
Maybe it would have been more honest for realmac to ask for a donation …

@tappo I was like you, with the same frustration. Texting and posting by impulsivity and stopped because I ended up being insulted, almost banned from here, just because I was expressing my feelings in a way some didn’t like it. Just make your decision and scroll the comments silently, so you don’t get the bashing I received from a couple of users here. I even deleted some comments, and apologize as well. At the end I love this forum and I prefer not making any controversial opinion that may bring bad consequences to myself. I will wait for Stacks 5. You can wait for Elements or whatever the route you want to go. Keep it smooth.


That’s the same reason I chose not to upgrade. RW8 does what I need it to and will for the foreseeable future.



I don’t think so.

It would take a lot to get banned here 😈

Nor do I!

It’s possible a mod tried to encourage him to stop spouting nonsense, but even that is unlikely in this place. I mean, no ones ever said the same to me!


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@albertkinng you see, Steve is still with us 😉 😝


Actually, the file format change is a shot at the upcoming Stacks app. This will probably add an extra layer of incompatibility between Rapidweaver projects and the Stacks app projects, as I doubt Isaiah has the specs of the new file format.

My Setapp Rapidweaver version was quietly upgraded to the “classic” version. Upon openening my current projects, the new app asked if I wanted to convert my projects to the new file format. I answered NO!

Fortunately, I have been wise enough to buy a regular license (and app) of Rapidweaver 8 (the original) before this mixup and I am going to stick to it for a moment.